Healthy Living as an integrated, holistic approach for individuals, families and communities = WELLNESS
There has been a divide in the approach to wellness, health care and mental health for a very long time. Right now People, families and communities work hard with more and more sickness and death. This is a failed approach to wellness.
Up until now the division, like our political ideologies, has caused contentions on how to approach and resolve health concerns to maintain wellness.
Micromanaging symptoms with pills that inturn cause more side effects is not working. Removing body parts or enhancing a person is not fixing what is wrong. Too many specialists are divided. The struggles of wellness parallels all the the cultural concerns we are facing today.
THE GOOD NEWS is that America has turned the page to Make America Healthy Again.
When we see the human body interconnected to a brilliant world, we can begin to change our approach. We are all different. That is true diversity. The shift is focusing on an individual approach treating core causation within a system of systems. What is the systemic fallout and toxicity? What is needed to restore the balance of the body’s natural healing?
By shifting through all the potential tools available to develop an individualized wellness plan, that removes the toxic stressors and provides a supportive environment for the body to heal, wellness is restored.
The approach that works is that everyone is different and all things are interrelated. The medical professional does not hold the answer. The person who is sick does. The core causation influences many different systems that has a rippling effect that can make understanding the root concern can be extremely complicated. Thus, we have to listen to the one who is sick to find the best way to heal.
Thus, having a Wellness Team with a combined approach of health professionals and other skilled in patient-centric, comprehensive care opportunities is needed to identify how all the symptoms are interrelated and compounded a person’s health. This is vital for true wellness and longevity.
The “Best Practice” is designed to help you live holistically for your own wellness and longevity.
WELLNESS is the ability to functionally adapt to any situation when facing physical, mental, social, and spiritual challenges. Being capable of navigating a crisis and restoring normal living is the goal of wellness.
Harmful situations, including unhealthy dynamics, can make this difficult to resolve successfully. Isolation or fear of failure compounds concerns. This increases stress causes illness, if not resolved. At times, an event or something chronic can escalate into illness and other health concerns.
THE GOAL is being able to resolve situations and move forward on your best foot. Roadblocks build barriers that impede natural healing.
CRISIS is part of life. Things happen. The question is can you navigate the crisis or does it spiral out of control.
The governments are not capable of being that community safety net, nor should they. This is the responsibility of people in a community.
This is where our nation is as a whole, exhausted from endless crises and not resolution in sight. Problem galore and so much conflicting information.
People want to understand what to do to heal. They want life to return to normal and all to be well. This is wellness.
When abuse, trauma and stress are ignored, the pain is stored in the body. The research now is showing the end result is neuroimmunological and neuroinflammation are having profound health concerns.
The strong and healthy community has resources qualified and trained to intervene successfully. Education, awareness, and empathy to understand another’s experience makes a huge difference in building a strong, good community.
Integrated Health, true wellness, is the ability to recover from life experiences to live an empowered, balanced lifestyle that integrates each step taken no matter the challenges being faced.
Everyone and every situation are different, and what is needed to recover is unique to them. Thus, there is no one-size answer. A collaborative team that is individually focused makes the difference in finding the best resolution.
LIFE IS A JOURNEY with peaks and valleys. Experiences happen. The difference is how we handle our expectations and individual experiences along the way.
EVERY STEP of that journey either aligns your integrated holistic health (system in balance) or sends life off course. Learning the skills of what harms you and what makes you stronger are vital parts of the process. Understanding your own personal thresholds and learning the subtle nuances to adjust and balance your life makes it much easier to maintain a positive and healthy life. Building a team that listens and is trustworthy makes integrated holistic health possible.
That is The CLOUD Difference!

Debbie Cloud’s Specialty & Focus
Strategic life consulting for work, business, family & personal dynamics - CONSCIOUS CO-PARENTING COACH (Candidate)
Integrated health consulting & referrals for every area of life - BREAKTHROUGH PARENTING COACH
Healthy dynamic, conscious relationship & parenting consulting - INTERNATIONAL METAPHYSICAL MINISTRIES
Metaphysical consulting and minister for mind, body & soul, Metaphysician (Candidate) - YOUNG HORSE & PROBLEM HORSE TRAINER
3Day Eventing – Holistic, balanced training for young horses & problem horses
*Clients are by referral. Resumes & References available upon request.